About the Site

Land of Books and Honey is dedicated to reviewing books from the library. Items reviewed will include literature for children and for adult readers. All items reviewed will be obtained from the library.

These book reviews should be of interest to parents, students, teachers, professors, and bibliophiles in general. For parents, you will gain ideas for books to borrow or buy for your children. For students, you will gain ideas for research papers and library books to use as reference. For teachers and professors, you will gain ideas for books to assign to your students. If you are a bibliophile, who loves to read and collect books, you will gain ideas for borrowing or buying books for yourself.

To find book reviews, use the navigation pane on the left-hand side to find “Categories.” Book reviews and other blog posts will be found under “Categories” on the navigation pane. You can find blogs by subject. For example, the category, “Children,” will contain blogged book reviews of children’s literature.

You are welcome to comment and subscribe to this site’s blog. You can comment at the end of a blogged book review. On the navigation page on the left-hand side, you may also subscribe to this blog with your email address.

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